Soap Doesn’t Always Get You Clean!

The stereotype of the Australian drinker with his pint of Fosters next to the Barbe has been shattered this week when a patient at

This is Graham's interpretation of Alcohol based Soap. As always copyright remains with him. 2011 (

a Melbourne hospital downed six bottles of alcoholic handwash.

The patient was in hospital recovering from alcoholism, before this obvious relapse.   The incident has been met with calls for the anti-bacterial gel used in Australian hospitals to be better secured.

Speaking to The Guardian Dr Michael Oldmeadow, of the Alfred hospital in Melbourne, said “You’d think it would taste pretty bad.”  That said a lot of cheap alco-pops tastes a lot like soap.

The incident has us wondering though, is liquid soap a niche market that a lot of pubs and wine bars are missing?  Speaking exclusively to Newsnibbles one pub owner from Cartwright, Oklahoma said:

“I would absolutely consider selling hand sanitizer over the bar if there were a demand for it.  Sometimes I wonder if they are drinking the hand sanitizer we provide in the bathrooms as it has alcohol in it.  Currently we don’t charge for sanitizing ones hands, but maybe we should…”

One of our over enthusiastic interns spoke to Jeff about his experiences with addiction.  He had this to say:

“Once I was addicted to Marmite.  When I went to Demark I couldn’t get it so I had to eat raw yeast.  Those were my darkest times.  The end is coming you know.”  We are looking into legal measures for getting Jeff and his sign off our front step.  He is frightening away any genuine stories.

The cost of Hydrex surgical scrub is currently £3.98 per 500ml bottle.  This would certainly be more economical than other shorts, and if sold as shots would turn over a reasonable profit.  It is questionable however as to whether landlords would be able to convince customers to switch from their preferred short.

You can read the full story from The Guardian here:

And if you’re ever in Oklahoma you can get a drink here:

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