Downward Facing Dog?

Is your dog stressed?  Perhaps the pressures of daily walks, chasing one’s own behind is causing them sleepless nights?  Fear not, the

Milly - Pre Yoga (Photo Copyright G.H. 2011

solution is at hand.  What your dog needs is a jolly good session of Dog Yoga.

Doga (no, we did not make that up) is the latest craze to hit London from America.  According to BBC Online, two hours of Yoga with their owners calms even the most hyperactive pooch.   Apparently, dogs enjoy being stretched and massaged and Doga is a relaxing pastime for both dog and owner, serving as a bonding experience.  At the end of the session, owners can help their dogs to place their paws together for a specially adapted doggy prayer.

We asked one dog owner what she thought of the concept of Doga, she said:

“If I were a dog I’d be all for Yoga.  Also it’d be a great way to scratch your rear on the carpet without getting yelled at.” How relevant is that?  Snaps for us.

Milly - Post Yoga. (Photograph Copyright G.H. 2011)

Here at Newsnibbles we pride ourselves on our cutting edge investigative reporting.  As such we set our man on the ground the task of introducing his dog, Milly, to Doga.  He did not feel qualified to comment on the subject, but did provide us with these before and after photos so we could judge for ourselves the effect of Doga on his stressed out pet.

You can read the original report here:

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