Month: January 2012

Who Has the Cutest Pet Picture?

After last week’s disaster crossword (Intern 3 is no longer with us) we have decided to plug for a sort of competition this week.  Bee has decreed that this week’s challenge can be to see who can take the cutest pet picture.  Your mission, Nibblers, should you choose to accept

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Say No To Foetus in Food! Well Oklahoma certainly is.  This week their Senator, Ralph Shortly has introduced a bill that would ban the use of aborted human foetuses in food.  Now, we know what you’re thinking, surely it is already illegal to eat dead babies?  For that matter, where

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What Will Bee Will Bee

In this weekly advice column, Bee addresses your letters and problems with what she believes is the best solution for you. Dear Bee, Thank you for responding to my dog’s email.  Since she’s had a Facebook account she has emailed many people on many topics. You are the only person

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Badger, Ramsay Lookalike Sex Scandal Questionable

The big scandal covered in the Telegraph this week is that Gordon Ramsey, celebrity chef and star of Hell’s Kitchen has a little person porn double.  Not only that, but said porn double was reported to have been found dead down a badger sett. Well, when the reputation of badgers

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Crossword – Courtesy of Intern 3

Since I have been busy with my own pursuits, as well as trying to keep you all up to date with the latest breaking news, and Bee has been working on the fan page and her advice column, this week we decided to give the interns the task of coming

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Buzzylicious A species of horse fly, first captured in 1981 has only recently been named after Soul Diva Beyonce.  The name is a tribute to the singer, not because it was first captured the year she was born, although that is a startling coincidence but because of its shiny gold

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What Will Bee Will Bee

Welcome to the first instalment of What Will Bee Will Bee – a weekly advice column where Bee addresses your letters and questions with what is, in her opinion the best solution for you* The first letter is from Raddicted Rover, and reads as follows:   Rear Ree, Ri ram riting

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In fashion news this week it has been announced that Royal Ascot it will be tightening up its dress code for this year’s event after fears it has been too relaxed recently. Under the new code fascinators, as described by Chimp Jones as “one of them there hair thingies” will

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Newsvamp’s Guess the Vegetable Quiz

This week’s quiz is fairly simple, after the disaster that was last week’s.  Below we have a picture of a vegetable, all you have to do is identify it.  Of course there is a twist, we don’t want to make things too easy for you.  The vegetable is depicted “as

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They Called it Puppy Love… Well, we call it beastiality, and not to be encouraged in polite circles.  A North Carolina man was arrested last week after his neighbour claimed she witnessed him having sex with her Shepherd/Lab mix in his trailer.  The woman burst in on her tenant, allegedly

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