Deer Hart, A Romantic Ram-bull Through China

Well, ridiculous animal puns aside, today is Valentine’s Day and we have this romantic tail of animal attraction that transcends species.

This is our model, Annie, looking coy on her wedding day.

You may remember that last year we reported on a Chinese Zoo that rather progressively allowed its gay penguin couple to marry and foster an egg.

Well, China is once more taking the lead in progressive animal matrimony, this time marrying a ram and a deer.  According to the BBC report the zoo in South Western China tried to separate the pair in the hope that they would breed.  Whilst Changmao did his manly duty and bred with the ewe he was placed with he never forgot his true love, Chunzi and the two battled against fences in order to be together.  Changmao would attack any stag that made unwanted advances towards Chunzi and she would lick and nuzzle him.  Eventually zoo authorities at The Yunnan Provincial Wildlife Park in Kunming repented their separation of these star crossed lovers and their wedding will be taking place today.

Both bride and groom will be wearing special wedding outfits and tickets to this celebrity event have been sold at 66 Yuan ($10; £6.60) to 500 exclusive guests.  According to park officials the animals were originally only put together because they were both herbivores, but love has just blossomed between them and now they will be bonded for life in what is set to be the wedding of the year.

To Bee Valentine’s Day is “a day to remember everyone we care about and remind them how special thy are to us.  Also to wear pink and put hearts on your dog,” but what about the fans?

Chimps said that to him Valentine’s Day is “Corporate exploitation of a biological expedient.”  Well we did ask.

Pat said that to him Valentine’s Day is “A gentle, in my face, screaming reminder of my lonely, miserable, pointless existence. Oh and pretty flowers. I like those.”  We’re starting to think that maybe we should organise a Newsnibbles mixer…

Loops told us that for her Valentine’s Day means “remembering my dad. I lost him on this beautiful day. ♥”

And Glamour Kitty dropped by between her many social engagements to tell us “I love Valentine’s Day! It’s an opportunity to share some love to people who might not normally get it.  I gave my UPS lady a cookie this morning, and her whole face lit up.  If no one is giving you a Valentine, decide to give out some of your own love” instead!  You’ll instantly feel better!

Toni posted us a lovely cat picture for us to wish us joys of the day.

If you missed your opportunity to tell us what you think on the fanpage then why not pop a comment below instead?  Happy Valentine’s Day Nibblers.

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