Think Pink!

It has been brought to our attention this week that scientists have determined that there is no such colour as pink.  This shocking revelation comes as quite a surprise to us here at Newsnibbles, since the intern uniform is pink we find ourselves actually wondering whether they’ve been

This "pink" sky was witnessed and photographed by Dave Levinson. All rights reserved.

coming to work naked.

So, where is the logic behind this revelation?  According to the report we read:

“Robert Krulwich of the public radio show Radiolab noted that there is no pink in the colours of the rainbow. Pink is actually a combination of red and violet, two colours, which, if you look at a rainbow, are on the opposite sides of the arc.”

So, logically a colour that does not appear in the rainbow does not exist, therefore pink does not exist.  Well, if you are going to be technical then rainbows do not actually exist, they are a result of the light of the sun refracting through water droplets in the atmosphere.  According to Wikipedia, “a rainbow is not a physical object” so the only way we know it is real is by the fact that we can see it.  Therefore, surely the fact that we are able to see pink means that it too is real.  In response to our queries about pink on the fanpage one person told us:

“I may not be a proper scientist but I can say that as an artist I’ve made pink exist…unless it was only in my imagination…”

Perhaps the metaphysical is all a bit much for us to grasp, do let us know what you think.

See more photographs by Dave Levinson here.

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