Month: February 2016

7 Questions

Seven Questions is a section of Newsnibbles where we ask one of our Twitter followers seven questions (duh).  Because we do it via email they are free to answer in more that 140 characters, which is nice. Today we catch up with Stephanie Oram or @stephanieoram1 as we know her, to find out all about her

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Book Review: A Tweet Day

A Tweet Day Eileen Wilson It never ceases to amaze me how many good writers are totally unknown, but maybe that’s because the best of us are absolutely rubbish at marketing!  This was marketed to me with “can you have a look, I’m not sure if it’s even funny”. Well,

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Journeys With Jack

Well it’s been a quiet few days, however there have been a couple of what I call ‘chaos’ moments. These would be moments when she raises her voice (not shouting obviously!!!) and talks fast. The first came with the sighting of Pine Processionary Caterpillars. Her bottom was just touching the

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Journeys With Jack

Doing posh things today. At a Palace in Madrid. Hope you like the photo readers. I was caught chasing rabbits on my first leg stretch of the day though which left her not amused! Today I have explored Salamanca. It is full of old buildings and cobbled streets and things

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Journeys With Jack

Jack S here. Delighted to be updating you on my travels for a bit. We did not get off to a good start on Tuesday as although we got to the ferry in good time they boarded us early and so no play time in the pen! No nasty stains

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