Shocking Fish News!

Despite what some may describe as an overly wet winter parts of Britain seem to be set for another drought in the coming months.  Several parts

We suspect this fish may have been hit with too high a charge. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Bush.

of the country have already been given official drought status by the Environment Agency.

This is bad news for fish, who generally reside in watery areas such as rivers, streams, oceans and occasionally puddles and toilets.  What will happen to our fishy brethren if there is no water for them to swim in?

Well, you will be relieved to know that a massive fish rescue is being undertaken by the Environment Agency to save our fishy friends from drying out.  How does one rescue a fish we hear you cry.  Well, you electrocute it of course.  More specifically a mild electric charge is shot into the water via a probe, which stuns the fish for approximately ten seconds.  Then, the speedy people from the Environment Agency scoop up said fish and relocate them to a more watery area.  According to the BBC report this method of fish trapping is much easier than for example using nets alone, presumably because the fish are not moving.

One of our more outdoorsy fans told us “it is much easier to catch a stationary object than a moving one.  This theory does not only apply to fish, but could also be used for other moving objects like cheese.”

We at Newsnibbles do not recommend playing with electricity.  If you are not a trained professional please refrain from any form of fish trapping or other activities that could involve mixing electricity with water or stunning cheese.

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