Born This Way Baby!

Was “baby” too much?  We can never tell.  Anyway, if there was ever an argument against freedom of speech it was this attractive chap and his friends, who decided to gate-crash a gay pride march and scream things like “Jesus hates you”, to which they even put a catchy tune.  Amid the abusive cries were “too ugly to get a man?” (you can decide for yourselves if this is ironic when you watch the video and see who is screaming it.  One of our interns did go weak at the knees, but we learned later she had flu) and accusations of bestiality.  Despite the screams of disapproval from the supposedly pious the march continued.  As the opposition grew louder an impromptu performance of Lady Gaga’s “Born this Way” complete with a dance routine broke out amongst the marchers.  What better way to respond to hate than through celebration and music?  We have popped the video below, if you would like to skip all the angry shouting and go straight to the dance then go to 5:15.


As you know, when our readers send this kind of story, we don’t simply like to report it, but like to do a little investigation of our own.  Reading the entire Bible seemed like an awful lot of effort so instead we asked some of the fans if they knew where it said that “Jesus hates gays”.  One regular Church goer from our Twittersphere; @princesspiece told us:

“Well everything about hating gays is in the old testament so nothing to do with Jesus. It is in Leviticus where it talks about means of sexual perversion but I think the same passage also states that it is fine to rape a virgin as long as you marry her afterwards and that men with no testicles cannot enter Heaven.”  Seems to us that the protesters have more to worry about than a gay pride march if this is the chapter they live by – but we do like the word testicles, so will use it wherever possible.

That said these people can’t possibly have just made it up, surely?  One fan who was raised a Catholic told us:

“Well. Since, in fact, Jesus did not say that he hates gays, I’m afraid you might be out of luck [finding the Bible passage that says it]. So sorry to deliver that bad news.  He certainly said “love your brother!””

Angela told us:

“Not in any part of the Bible does it say that Jesus hates anyone, he has love for all.” – maybe he was just too busy dying to save humanity to be specific?

Having failed miserably in that portion of our investigation we decided to move on to attempt to find a lesbian who was prepared to tell us whether she was just too ugly to get a man…  perhaps it was the way we asked it, but the question failed to illicit a response, so instead here is a link to some “out” celebrities so you can decide for yourselves.

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