The Clue is in the Name…

Perhaps it is humanity’s defiant nature, refusal to be beaten and general determination that is the reason it has survived so long.  Having said

This is Annie trying to recreate the events of the story. Newnibbles does not encourage drinking, smoking or over-eating. If in doubt contact your doctor.

that, survival of the fittest must to a certain extent, depend on knowing when to quit.

The “Heart Attack Grill” has defeated another challenger this week.  In February a man was rushed to hospital  with a heart attack, having consumed the “Triple Bypass Burger”.  He survived the experience, and can now wear a t-shirt saying “I took on the grill and lived” if such a thing exists.

Far from being a deterrent to future weary travellers seeking sustenance, more have flocked to battle the grill.  This week a woman collapsed midway through consuming the “Double Bypass Burger”.  It was reported that there were no warning signs, and prior to collapsing she was dancing, smoking and drinking margaritas.

The grill contains disclaimers stating “This Establishment is Bad for Your Health” and patrons consume the calorific food at their own risks.  According to the report neither the man or the woman can sue the restaurant for their medical expenses, presumably under the same logic that if someone jumps off a bridge they can’t sue the bridge builder for their broken leg, but that is just a guess.

As our American correspondent Bee had this to say on today’s topic:

“If the simple act of you sitting down to dinner causes my tax rate to go up to pay for emergency medical services to attend to you, you might have an eating disorder.”

The human condition always fascinates us, so we asked the fans, if a restaurant called itself the “Heart Attack Grill” what would their first thought be?

Pat said: ‎”I hope it’s next to a hospital.”

Chimp said: “I’m going to the colonoscopy oven instead.”

Glamour Kitty said: “You just know that plate includes sausage gravy.”

Ben said: “Bacon” – which is deep.

If you have any thoughts on today’s story then why not get in touch, or pop a comment below?


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