Call Out The Cats!

Well, you’ve heard of mountain rescue dogs, but have you heard of mountain rescue cats?

Norma has been in training since first discovering the site. We didn't have the heart to tell her...
Norma has been in training since first discovering the site. We didn’t have the heart to tell her…

Well we hadn’t, until now that is!

Last week one of our regular Nibblers drew our attention to what, at first glance appeared to be an organisation dedicated to the training of mountain rescue cats.

According to their website;

CARCA is the Canadian Avalanche Rescue Cat Association.

We are a small group of volunteers dedicated to the training and use of domestic cats in emergency avalanche rescue procedures.

We feel that with proper training, cats can be just as effective – and in some cases, more effective – than dogs, and certainly more effective than traditional probe line techniques.


However, upon doing further research (yes, we occasionally do that) we discovered that CARCA is not a ‘real’ organisation, but instead a promotional website for a ‘mockumentary’.

The first clue for us was the lack of Google results for CARCA, other than their official site and Facebook page.  (They have more likes than us, which is upsetting, but irrelevant).  After further investigation we stumbled upon an article on the Explore Mag Website.

The author had been “Freaked out” by the news of a cat mountain rescue team, and driven to further investigation.  They go on to say “But I must report that CARCA is a joke…” and link to an interview in The Whig with star of the short film, Steve Ruskay, who is quoted as saying:

A few years ago, some of us were just joking about having avalanche rescue cats and then, we sort of came up with an idea for this movie (as) a spoof on (rescue) dogs.  So far people are really liking it.

Once we recovered from the shock of this revelation we decided to ask some of our feline friends on Twitter how they feel about snow.

Milou tweeted us this rather fabulous picture.



We then asked the fans if they’d ever been rescued by a cat. Unsurprisingly they hadn’t.



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