It Snowed Today. Really.

Can you believe it?


Well, we’ve put our planned news reports on hold today to dedicate an entire day to

"Apple Watching Snow" Copyright Mrs Bush.
“Apple Watching Snow” Copyright Mrs Bush.

the snow,  since that’s what everyone else is doing.  We don’t even need a source for today’s story as all we had to do was look out of the window this morning, and there it was, snow!  Yes, really.  Unbelievably it snowed.

We knew it was coming.  The weather reports have been warning it all week, the gritters have been out and the South West is at a standstill, again.  Schools are closed, people aren’t making it into work and car accidents are on the increase.

We do not really caring about the snow, but clearly everyone else is fascinated by it, and we do like to please.  So, knowing that you won’t have had enough snow from looking out the window today, watching the news and the weather and building your own snowmen, we are talking inanely about snow, without really telling you anything.

So, yes.  It snowed.  Really really snowed.  It was quite deep, which is exciting, and the trees looked rather pretty.   It does make a change from the usual drivel about the rain and how last year was the second wettest winter on record, or when the sun dares to show it’s face talking about how hot it is.

Also, because we have had adequate warning of about this bout of weather, people have been panic buying.  Bread is flying off the shelves quicker than you can say “YOU DON’T NEED THAT MUCH BREAD, PEOPLE”.  You know it’ll either go stale or mouldy.  You could freeze it, of course, or you could just NOT PANIC BUY!

It isn’t supposed to snow tomorrow, but might snow again Sunday.  Saturday may be another panic buy, if people dare exit their snow shelters, strap tennis rackets to their feet and plough into the great white world.  If it snows again tomorrow then we will probably copy and paste this post into a new post, with some minor edits, as we want to be taken seriously as a news reporting organisation (yeah, not really) and that is what all the cool news places do.

So, in conclusion, it snowed.  This is the point where most news reports would show a montage of snow pictures from around the country, and here are ours, with a Newsnibbles twist, donated by our furry friends on Twitter.  Why  not give them a follow?















And Amadeus’ pictures didn’t show at the top, so here they are at the bottom. Appologies for the technical error.

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