Badger’s Royal Quiz

Given the recent discovery of the Bones of Richard III in Leicester, we have

Here is Annie looking Regal for this week's quiz.
Here is Annie looking Regal for this week’s quiz.

come up with a topical quiz about said Monarch.  So, since our multiple question approach has proved so popular of late we have decided to stick with it until it dies a death.  As always, answers, along with the picture you would like us to publish should you be lucky enough to win can be sent to quiz[at] – g00d luck Nibblers.

  1. How many King Richards were there prior to Richard III?
  2. Who did Richard lock in a tower never to be seen again?
  3. What was the name of the play about Richard III that Shakespeare wrote?
  4. What condition was Richard suffering from that caused him to walk with a hunch?
  5. How old was Richard when he was defeated in battle by Henry Tudor?


And congratulations to last week’s winner, Marjo, who answered 3 out of 5 of our Jane Austen questions correctly.  The correct answers are below along with the photo they submitted.

  1. What breed of dog does Lady Bertram own in Mansfield Park? – Pug
  2. What is Mr. Collins’ profession in Pride and Prejudice? – Vicar/Clergyman.
  3. Which film adaptation starred Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson? – Sense and Sensibility
  4. Where is the Jane Austen Museum located? – Bath
  5. And, just in case everyone gets all of these right, the decider, name as many different adaptations of Pride and Prejudice as you can. – There are quite a few.



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