
Is That a Nose on Your Forehead?

Why yes, yes it is.  Doctors in China have come up with an innovative solution for a man who lost his nose due to infection after a car accident.  Far from recommending the Jacko solution of a cunningly placed face mask, which would in most circumstances make one look both mysterious, and a bit serialkillerish, those clever Chinese MDs have decided to grow him a new nose on his forehead.   According to the article we read the reason for the prominently placed proboscis is that the skin or dermis (and we don’t even have a science correspondent) on the forehead is closer to the type of skin on the nose, so it will be easier to transfer.  It has taken nine months to grow this additional hooter on his head, and it looks pretty darn cool.  We can’t help but wonder if, when this post goes viral, which we’re sure it will, lots of rich people will be having additional schnozzle grown in various places about their person, as a fashion statement.  We predict that it’ll be as popular as tattoos soon.  You heard it here first folks.

If you are more interested in the science than our sarky comments then you can read Headlines & Global News’ more sciency report.


We Are Not Alone!

Now, we aren’t saying you need to build an alien shelter in the back garden yet, or move onto a boat and live in the middle of the ocean. We aren’t sure either of those things would help anyway.  In 1996 Scientists pointed the Hubble telescope at what seemed to be a black hole (ooer missus) and now, almost twenty years later (and we thought we were slow to report on stuff) it has revealed over over three thousand galaxies!  Both fascinating and excitings!

You can watch a really interesting video about it by clicking here.


The 80s Are Making a Come Back!

Well, not really.  But just in case you thought these Nibblets were a bit too grown up and sciency, fear not.  We are back to our usual style with this one.  Two brothers have made a fantastic 80s style music video to beg their brother not to leave them and get married. “We Are Brothers” By Baddy Paris and Rufus Starlight may actually be the BEST best man speech EVA!  If you chaps are readers of Newsnibbles (and why wouldn’t you be?) we would love to do an interview, so get in touch.  And of course, Nibblers, we have embedded the video below for your viewing pleasure.

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