Space, it’s Big n Stuff

Well, given how big space is, it’s actually surprising that we don’t have more news stories

This Space Ship Hitting a Snag was submitted to us by Dave*
This Space Ship Hitting a Snag was submitted to us by Dave*

regarding it.  Still, fear not, Nibblers, today we have three!  Rather than the tradition “Niblbet” format, we have decided to put it all in one exciting post.  If you like it maybe we could add a science section, if it isn’t too thinky for us.

So, if you read certain annoying rags, (which will remain nameless here as we have been using a cattle prod to make the interns associate the name with pain, and not use it) you will know that India had a plan to send a rocket to Mars.  If you are a reader of aforementioned nameless rag you will probably have tutted and said something about how the expense could have been used elsewhere.  If you then went shopping in self righteous little way to buy yourself so cheap clothes in an unethical cheap clothes shop, please stop reading, go else where, we are not the website for you, you won’t like us.  What those of you who are still reading might already know, if we are not your only source of news and information, is that the according to the BBC Science and yEnvironment Section the mission to Mars was “hit by a snag”.

The report itself used lots of sciencey words, and acronyms that are way too confusing for us, but the gist is  that “A problem with the liquid fuel thruster caused the 1,350kg vehicle to fall short of the mark”, which is disappointing in any situation.

We asked our fans if they did any sewings or similar, so that we could offer up some tips on how to deal with future snags.  They told us:

Absolutely nothing. Clearly they know nothing about space, or sewing.

So we hoped that would be helpful, but clearly it wasn’t.

Our next space related story brings a whole new meaning to the phrase vacuum packed. There is currently a random tomato orbiting earth.  That’s right, folks, a random tomato.  According to the astronauts on the international space station enjoy a tomato salad (we are paraphrasing, as all the best news reporting organisations do) and a random tomato must have escaped somehow.  Once again, we are not experts, but we were always under the impression that windows that open on a space station were probably not the best idea, so how did the tomato escape?  We wonder whether the whole “enjoying tomatoes” thing is a ruse to cover up an imminent threat of invasion, if aliens were tomatoes, which they aren’t.  Also, we wonder whether governments would have a contingency plan in place if tomatoes were to invade the Earth, as the article suggests.  Freedom of information would make this information available to us if we could be bothered to look for it, which we can’t.

And finally, here is a video about space, which is nice.


*See more by Dave by clicking here

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