News “n” Stuff

So, we’re breaking down what has happened

Photo of a cow. Cos we can.
Photo of a cow. Cos we can.

over the last week or so, from memory, based on snippets of TV, and with no research, because that takes time ‘n’ shiz, as does sourcing images, so, as with the best news reporting organisations we have just recycled some unrelated stock images from the archives.  Do we look bothered?

So, a plane has gone missing on the way to Beijing, and no-one knows what’s happened or where it is.  It went off the radar about three days ago and there has been no information since.  Apparently two people boarded using stolen passports and have been described as “not Asian”, which really narrows it down.  We have been watching for a while, and if there are updates we will update you.  In the meanwhile if you have ever met someone who is “not Asian”, don’t act weird around them, they probably didn’t do anything.

News reports have been tactfully pussyfooting around the situation in the Ukraine, being very careful not to pass judgement or say anything that may be seen as forming any sort of opinion.  So obviously we won’t either, because we want to be like everyone else.  We aren’t going to talk about how lovely the Winter Olympics are whilst completely ignoring the arrested people who did some protesting or other general human rights violations, because we are just going to generally gloss over the whole thing.  We certainly aren’t going to bring up the fact that the Gawker reported that Pussy Riot were detained again.  We have put a link there though, in case you want to look yourselves.

Also, the UK won their first ever Paralympic Gold Medal in skiing, which is nice.  If we’re going to be over there we may as well take home gold.

Much like the badger cull, which lacked significant evidence to proceed, and had limited success because those bloody cunning badgers moved the goal posts, the government’s argument towards limiting immigration seems to have limited (no?) evidence to support it.  Apparently no-one is taking our jobs… who knew?  A report stating this was not published, but The Mirror seems to have dug it up, so you can have a look. Maybe the immigrants moved the goal posts, or maybe the right-wing propaganda machine simply isn’t what it was.

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