Ashamed of Pride?

Award winning independent film Pride is due for release on DVD March 2nd 2015 in the UK.  You may recall from Badger’s 2014 Movie Picks  she felt it was rather good.  The movie has already been released on DVD in America, and the cover has already inspired some controversy, but not the type you might think.  This week the BBC Reported that

Gay banner removed from Pride DVD cover in US

According to the report Pink News also discovered that ” the DVD cover wording had changed, removing a reference to “gay and lesbian activists”.”

This is not the first time a gay movie appears to have been side-barred, to protect the US audience.  Behind the Candelabra , which told the story of Liberace, which was in Cinemas across Britain was made as a Straight to TV movie in the US despite starring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon.  It seems that in a country that’s renowned for its freedom of speech (that and the right to bare arms, which could be a bit chilly this time of year) audiences are being constantly shielded from things that could be seen as controversial, or at least things that the extreme right wing Christians deem controversial.

Here at Newsnibbles however, we have no such qualms, so here is a picture for you.

With thanks to Team MonkeyBrigade for giving us permission to use this picture from their 2013 GISHWHES entry.


There are a number of issues we can see with removing the gay references from the DVD cover.  First of all, a nice old lady might see the film in a store (that’s what they call them in America), buy it, take it home and put it into her DVD player.  Get herself some cocoa and a cookie (in this country substitute for a cup of tea and a hobnob) and press play, only to discover that the film is all about the gays!! In shock and horror her cocoa falls from her hand, burns her leg, splashes all over the plug and sets her house on fire.  All because the gay content of the film was removed from the cover.  This then results in having to print a lot of stickers with

Warning, Film Contains GAYNESS

on it, to avoid any further law suits (we are imaging this scenario to be taking place in America, so the old lady sued).

This means that shop assistants would be up until the early hours earning lots of overtime and destroying the economy stickering countless DVDs.

How could all this tragedy be avoided? Why by saying what the film was about on the cover. Just our opinion of course.


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