
Well it’s been a while, so we thought we should hit you up with some more Nibblets.  Badger has stopped eating crisps and watching Youtube videos long enough to throw this together for you.

What the Spok?!

After the death of actor Leonard Nimoy, most famous for his portrayal of Spok in the SciFi series Star Trek, Canadian fans have been “Spokking” (Spelling made up based on what we learned in nursery so please feel free to correct) their five dollar bills.  According to “the five dollar bill {…} features a portrait of Canada’s seventh prime minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier”, who, it has to be said does bear a certain resemblance to the recently deceased actor, more so now that he sports a Sharpie Vulcan wig and pointy ears.  According to the site the practice of “Spokking” ones money is not illegal but could cause problems in the future, rather like binge drinking.  The simple solution here we would like to suggest is that Canada gives Spok his own bank note.  Do they have a $2 bill yet?

More Spokky articles on Newsnibbles.

Do NOT Rile a Badger

As if you didn’t already know that.  However your experience with Badger on Twitter may have lead you to the mistaken belief that all badgers are able to use their words to sarcastically express frustration over things like being culled, the amount of news coverage the bloody BBC gives to UKIP and hardly any to the Greens and general small mindedness (for the love of Pete someone give her a biscuit).  However, this is not the case for all in the Meles Meles family.  Much like people some badgers express their frustrations through holding visitors to a Stockholm hotel hostage for approximately 40 minutes.  According to Jezebel  the badger prevented guests from entering or leaving the building until wildlife services came to remove it.  If that badger would like to talk to us here at Newsnibbles and give its side, we would listen.  It is unclear as to whether the guests or staff of said Stockholm hotel left feeling an affinity/wanting to marry the badger, but if they did someone should come up with a name for that… Maybe Badger Syndrome?

Princess Rap Battles!!

Well, Badger spending far too much time on YouTube actually paid off this week when she discovered Princess Rap Battles!! Possibly the best thing ever, famous princesses from films including Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Disney films rap off against each other to discover who’s the ultimate Rap champion.  There are not enough for an album yet, but when there are, release it, with a related DVD, PLEASE, they are totes amaze (we are hip and down with the kids).  The most recent addition features actress Sarah Michelle Gellar as Cinderella rapping off against Belle, played by Whitney Avalon, who appears to be the genius behind this awesome piece of parody.  We have embedded it for you below, but be warned, they are highly addictive and you can’t watch just one, so be prepared to get nothing done.


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