Badger’s Eurovision Round Up

Well despite Badger’s slightly ironic Twitter commentary (you know you love it even if you pretend to ignore it or not know its happening) this year’s special 60th Anniversary addition of the contest was very good.  This was not least due to the excellent hosting of Austria.  The theme of the contest was “Building Bridges” – which was achieved incredibly well by the open and accepting format.  This Eurovision really managed to put politics to one side and unite Europe, demonstrating we can do it.  If only every night was Eurovision night.

So we can’t possibly talk about every act, there were twenty of them in the final, and we know what a short concentration span you have, so instead we’re going to break it down into a few of the favourites.

The Winner

Sweden won, with a song called Heroes, which had fantastic special effects, which must have greatly contributed to the vote, as although the song was very catchy, and Måns Zelmerlöw really knew how to work the crowd, the song itself did not even hit my radar as a contender initially.  

See what you think. Try listening first without watching, then watch, see if your opinion changes.


The Runner Up

Russia’s A Million Voices came second, and when the first part of the voting was over it looked a lot like it was destined to be the winner.  Political issues aside it was a fantastic song, passionately performed, and would have been a deserving winner.  It certainly met the brief of “building bridges” and the lyrics spoke of peace and unity.  Coming second shows solid support for a good song, but does save the rest of Europe any concerns about the moral implications of having to stage next year’s contest in Russia.  After all, any gay contestants practising openly gay “propaganda” (presumably being a woman with a beard counts) would have stood a solid chance of being arrested, which is inconvenient if they are commentating.  Still, putting that aside and the slight wondering why Pussy Riot wasn’t asked to be Russia’s Eurovision entry, the song was fabulous, really.  See for yourselves.

The Overlooked Song

This year’s Polish entry entry was brilliant, not least because she wore actual clothing and did not molest a butter churn, a fact for which I will remain eternally grateful.  It was very surprising that this song did not do better, although it would have helped if either her microphone was louder, or the backing music was quieter (you see Youtube commenters, there are ways around things without being patronising or “making allowances”- just sayin’).  Whilst Sweden was not really on my radar, I thought Poland was a dead cert for the top three, but apparently the voting public did not appreciate the lack of a milk churn, or the sexual innuendos one can achieve whilst making butter, and the votes certainly did not reflect my views of the song.

See what you think.

The Wild Card

Georgia’s Entry, “Warrior” was different from anything else in this year’s contest, and for this reason if no other deserves a nod from Newsnibbles.  Whilst Nina Sublatti’s costume made her look like an angry crow, her voice is very powerful and the song itself was very good.  Maybe I have spent too much time reviewing theme metal bands (more classic Rockonnection reviews will be added here soon) but actually I thought the whole thing was rather good, but perhaps not “poppy” enough for Eurovision?  See what you think.

The Results

Whilst the multiple losses of contact with several countries made me think that Austria might be better off using Skype to retrieve their results (I know right?) this portion of the evening was as entertaining as ever, with the different presenters trying to make their thirty seconds of fame as memorable as possible, with desperate attempts at humour and outfits that certainly were memorable.  The highlight of the results was when Friend of Newsnibbles (this may be putting it a little strongly) Valentina Monetta delivered San Marino’s results.  Next year is your year Valentina, we can feel it.  Despite thinking that the use of Nigela Lawson to deliver our results was simply rubbing Toriness in the faces of us and Europe, Nigela did a pretty good job.  She did not attempt to be funny, was not wearing any dead animals and spoke in multiple languages, which is quite respectful of Eurovision, so well done Nigela, not just a soufflé rock star, eh?

Think we haven’t touched on a song you would like given the Newsnibbles treatment? Post a comment below and we will review it, just for you.

If you haven’t heard of The Eurovision Song Contest please visit our “Eurovision for Americans” informative article for more information.

Share your thoughts on the Eurovision, post a comment below.  Don’t be rude though, rude will not be published.

Happy Eurovision, Nibblers.

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One Reply to “Badger’s Eurovision Round Up”

  1. Hello Badger,
    I liked the songs of Italy and Belguim too. Please let me know what you thought of those songs?
    And what about Australia to enter the compition?
    Thanks big berenknuffel

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