7 Questions

Seven Questions is a section of Newsnibbles where we ask one of our Twitter followers seven questions (duh).  Because we do it via email they are free to answer in more that 140 characters, which is nice.

This week we chat to author Maggie James or 829 resized 2@MJamesFiction as we know her.

1. Tell us about your most recent project?

I’m not far off publishing my latest non-fiction book, entitled ‘Write Your Novel!’ It’s aimed at anyone who’s always wanted to write a book but either lacks the confidence or doesn’t know where to start. I took decades to get around to writing my first novel, which is a shame. I wish I’d done it sooner and if I can help anyone else to become a novelist, I’d be delighted.

2. When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and as a child I assumed that’s what would happen. Things didn’t turn out that way. As an adult, I procrastinated, shoving my dream aside because writing a novel seemed an insurmountable task. 

3. Who do you admire and why?

Stephen King amazes me, both for being so prolific and for the fact many of his books as so long. How he maintains such quality over 700 – 900 pages astounds me. He’s been called a master of the writing craft, and deservedly so.

4. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Learn everything you can about the craft of being a novelist. Then delve into the practicalities of formatting, marketing and self-publishing. Think of writing as a business, with you being the managing director.

5. You can take three books to a desert island, what are they, and why?

I’d take 11.22.63 by Stephen King because it’s one of the best books I’ve read in recent years. It’s huge, so would keep even a fast reader like me absorbed for ages. King’s books are so multi-faceted I’m sure I’d discover new aspects to it every time I read it.

What else? I’m a sucker for motivational books, so I’d take The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, one of the best books of its kind I’ve ever read. Good for keeping up my morale if I’m to be stranded on the desert island for any length of time!

Lastly, I’d cheat and take a compilation volume of several books by a classic author, perhaps Jane Austen or George Orwell.

6. If you could give one of your characters some advice, what would it be and why?

I’d advise Beth Sutton, my protagonist in ‘The Second Captive’, not to go on a date with Dominic Perdue.

‘Listen, Beth,’ I’d say. ‘Don’t be swayed by his good looks and superficial charm. Underneath he’s warped. You’ll regret getting in a car with him.’

Will she pay attention? Of course not. She’s eighteen, sure she knows what’s right for her. Dominic, however, has a dark and disturbing plan for Beth

7. Describe your writing style in one sentence.

Hmm, difficult one! I’d go with this comment, received in a review for His Kidnapper’s Shoes: ‘She writes in a raw, visceral style.’

Is it true? Partly. His Kidnapper’s Shoes was my first novel and like any author, the way I write is evolving. I’d say I was maybe less raw and visceral these days, with a softer tone to my work.

You can follow Maggie all over the place, and she probably won’t even get a restraining order!! See below. And if you’d like to answer 7 Questions then give us a tweet!

Website and blog: http://www.maggiejamesfiction.com

Facebook: http://en-gb.facebook.com/pages/Maggie-James-Fiction/191644207648375

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjamesfiction

 LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/maggie-james/64/381/727

 Google+ : https://plus.google.com/101511690389687930651

 Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/828751.Maggie_James

 Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/maggiejamesfict/

 Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Maggie-James/e/B00BS9LVMI


 Authorgraph: https://www.authorgraph.com/authors/mjamesfiction

Sales links: http://smarturl.it/hiskidnappersshoes





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