Badger’s Grammar Quiz

So, some of you may have noticed that Badger has been spending a lot of time of Twitter lately, she has become quite the popular Meles Meles, with fans actually numbering in their hundreds!! The problem is she keeps coming back to the office muttering things like “just because you’re limited to 140 characters doesn’t mean you can’t spare an apostrophe once in a while.”

Rather than continue the culture of ignorance and negativity we have decided to do you an educational quiz this week, like a comprehension SAT, combined with a grammar test.  So first you have to read the explanation below, then you answer the question.  Here goes:

There = somewhere to go, where something is.  Used in a sentence.  “The bookshelf is over there.”

Their = belonging to them.  Used in a sentence. “That’s their kiwi fruit, don’t eat it.”

They’re = They are. Used in a sentence. “They’re going to the party together.”

So, your quiz is as follows, you have to put the appropriate “there” “their” or “they’re” into the following sentences.  No prizes other than knowing you’ve learned something.  If you would like a pat on the head then comment in the box below and we will appropriately pat.  Next week’s quiz will involve “to”, “two” and “too”.

  1. Th____ is a big dog over by that tree.
  2. Th_____ really mean, never say anything nice.
  3. Th_____ hair looks really nice today.

Good luck Nibblers.

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