Journeys With Jack

Jack S here. Delighted to be updating you on my travels for a bit.

Biarittz by Night
Biarittz by Night

We did not get off to a good start on Tuesday as

although we got to the ferry in good time they boarded us early and so no play time in the pen! No nasty stains and smells for her to teeter round!!! Fortunately the crossing was ok. The oldies always get so stressed though going through passport control. Do not understand it: I have one, along with a chip bit of metal in me and all the jabs. They really need to stop

Biarittz by Day
Biarittz by Day

fussing!! Once we arrived in France we were not happy campers. She was really sick and could not talk! Funny really, but rubbish for recall and treats. Spent Tuesday night in Le Mans by the river. She nearly had heart failure when we were joined on the bed time trip by a rodent as big as me!!! I was confident I could outrun him though!!! Le Mans was followed by one of her favourite places Biarittz.

We then hit Spain! Oranges and Pamplona were the first stop. Not sure about this Bull thing they do, but the statue was impressive. That’s her in the picture by the way. Love her really!

After Pamplona and a hectic few days I arrived in Javea. Upgrade from the van to a Villa courtesy of Friends of hers. What a good few days. Sofas and beds galore to sleep on, fresh friends on the beach, bars and some tough walks up those bloody mountain things they keep dragging me up!

Big but boring day today! Apparently it’s my birthday (whatever that is). She has sung to me and provided endless air kisses. I am 2!! I hope you can see the picture of my birthday dinner! The highlight of the day was a special piece of exercise. We arrived in Madrid after hours and hours in the van and immediately set off into a park. In the park was a track for bikes (the things you chase when they go past you) to do tricks so it had ramps and jumps and things. Well we set off round the track at a good pace, up and down ramps, over jumps. We were nearly at the end and I could sense she was pleased with herself, (mind you she should be, she couldn’t run anywhere this time last year!). But it all came to an abrupt end as she tripped on a jump and hit the deck face first, clean white jeans, oh dear!! I only moved across her a little bit…

So, I will be regularly updating you on my travels, but until next time, this is Jack S, signing off!

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One Reply to “Journeys With Jack”

  1. Dear Jack
    This is attempt 2 as I rarely follow instructions. I am most impressed with how you easily manipulate “She”, who must be obeyed. Tripping is allowed off the lead! Cultural and natural habitats you are exploring are rather fun. Hope your diet copes with the changes? You have brought a wry smile to my dial this morning, so thank you and do keep us updated on your travels.

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