Journeys With Jack

Well it’s been a quiet few days, however there have been a couple of what I call ‘chaos’ moments. These would be moments when she raises her voice (not shouting obviously!!!) and talks fast. The first came with the sighting of Pine Processionary Caterpillars. Her bottom was just touching the chair out in the sun with a cup of tea when he spotted them and pointed them out. Up went the arms, and the voice, down went the chair, over went the tea. Chaos!! Why you might ask? Because they can KILL me and I was about to step on them!!!! If they didn’t kill me they could lead my tounge to swell up and have be to be cut out! Argh, no licking. Not funny! Check them out, they are not good news. We do not want the little devils in England and they have reached Paris. The second chaos moment came on the motorway when a man in a box wanted lots of money from him because we had not taken the correct ticket at the last box!! Well he and the man in the box agreed that she would reverse into the oncoming traffic, cross 5 lanes and go through a lane with the barrier up and get it correct next time!! What a nice man. Obviously reversing away from the box on the motorway into the traffic and crossing all the lanes caused no chaos or loud talking!!! A couple of travel tips for you before I go. Salamanca and Monsanto are fabulous. Oh and I saw the President of Portugal!!
Well it has been a grey gloomy day with tears!! It’s wet, really wet, the towel is out and there is endless paw and belly drying every time I get back in the van. I am sick, I mean sick, the eating grass more than once routine, so in and out of the van non stop which means lots of wiping and very concerned whispered conversations between them. I hope to feel better tomorrow or I heard them talking about vets!!! No way, nasty individuals, not doing it. Ah, you thought the tears were for me, well possibly but not really. The tears were caused by another dog, can you believe it? And me too ill to raise my head and bark. We stopped in a grassy lay by for lunch. As we stopped a big handsome devil of a dog came and lay by the van. Big sorrowful eyes she said! They thought he belonged to another van in the lay by. All good until it drove off, leaving those sorrowful eyes looking at them. The rain was chucking it down and he was wet and alone and it was time for us to go. She said she could not leave it, he took a deep breath and said we had to, she cried, he hesitated, I threw up again. Compromise, he fed it. She drove off crying. Not good on twisty mountain roads! I have managed half a handful of feed this evening (sucker!) and a little walk. They have managed, beer, red wine and Lemoncella in a local bar so a lie in for us all hopefully.
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One Reply to “Journeys With Jack”

  1. Oh Jack boy not good news about the caterpillar glad to see you helping a lost soul en route. He may have cramped your style Jack, attention and so forth
    Love to see you are making progress in your recovery.
    Make sure more wine and lemoncello is on hand for more sleeps.
    Stay safe x

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