Post Apocalyptic Interviews: Jazzy Heath

I was lucky enough to have at my live launch event a very talented young singer; Jazzy Heath perform some acoustic tracks.  With a haunting style the reminds me of Dido (who, having researched, I discovered was 00s, which makes me feel a bit less decrepit), but with more attitude.   The launch was all a bit crazy, with readings from a multitude of talented folks, music and the most amazing falafel burgers from Number 7 Kitchen, but I found the time to catch up with Jazzy and ask a few questions.

What comes first, the melody or the lyrics?

I get asked this a lot and to be honest, it can be either. I don’t really have a set formula for writing music, it just happens and usually I forget how I’ve written the song in the first place. A song could start with anything from a thought or a feeling. For example, I write a lot when I’m travelling around and I’ll usually think of a lyric or a tune that’ll get stuck in my head. I’ll then write it down or sing it into my phone or whatever I’ve got at hand. I’ve written entire songs just sat on a bus before, the most uninspiring place I can think of, but I think when I’m just sitting and day dreaming, I can think of ideas much easier.


What would you say inspires you?

Lot’s of things inspire me; my friends, family, my surroundings. When writing music, I find it difficult to write about things that I haven’t experienced or felt a connection with on an emotional level. I write about a lot of people and situations that I’ve come across. A theme that seems to be reoccurring in my music is the ocean and I think that’s because I grew up on the Isle of Wight, not ever being able to walk too far without finding the sea. I find it absolutely memorising and I love creating metaphors with the ocean theme. For example, in one of my newer songs ‘Your Sea’, which I sang at your book launch, has the ocean theme reoccurring throughout despite the song not actually being about the ocean at all.

I heard a rumour that you do a spot of acting on the side, can we find out a bit more about that?

Yeah haha, I’ve been getting into acting a bit more recently. I loved it growing up and I wanted to get into it again. My most recent acting endeavour was in a short film called The Raid. I won’t give too much away but it’s a film about two people, James and Kezia, who are part of an underground rebel scheme against a strange drug. I was asked by my friend, Abigail Robinson, who wrote and directed the film, if I would play the role of Kezia and I had such a good time filming it.

How would you describe your style?

I’d say that I’m a bit of a mixture really. When I’m playing solo, I’m acoustic pop with a singer song writer vibe, but when I’m playing in my band, Pretty Censored, the music is the complete opposite. It’s heavy rock music with a hint of metal and some pop influence. I guess it would probably be classed as Alternative Rock.

What is your stance on the whole Pet Couture issue?

I really don’t like the idea of dressing animals up for people’s personal fashion and gain. Sure, it doesn’t hurt to put a bow tie on a dog or anything but when people go full out with costumes, I think it’s pretty unnecessary and I doubt the animals actually enjoy it. On the other hand, I have a friend who had a little dachshund and she had a little coat for in the winter because she was quite old and it gave her extra warmth. I don’t think there’s a problem with that. There is definitely an issue when people stop seeing animals as living beings and start seeing them as fashion accessories though.

If you could perform with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

This is a tough question. I’d love to perform with someone like The 1975 or Demi Lovato. I think they both make really fun music and I can imagine being on stage with them would be a crazy atmosphere. I’ve seen The 1975 live twice now and both times the atmosphere was incredible. I’m also a big fan of The Beatles so it would be really fun to perform with them.

Do you have a favourite badger?

I’m not going to lie, I’ve never thought about it. I guess my favourite badger would have to be the one in your book, when we recorded chapter seventeen and Murray played him. If I had my own badger, I’d want him to have the voice that Murray did for his role. I don’t think I’d ever be sad again if I had a Murray voiced badger.

It’s the end of the world and you have to flee the zombie hordes, you can take one book, one CD and one sandwich. What would they be?

This is a really tricky question! Although, I know for sure that I’d want a (vegan) patte and lettuce sandwich. It sounds strange but it’s honestly the best sandwich filling ever. It tastes best in a baguette, just incase you ever want to try it. Also, it’s fairly healthy so it would probably be helpful in an apocalypse. For a book, I’d probably take The Boys Book of Survival by Guy Campbell. I know it’s a book for boys but screw gender roles; if I’m in a zombie apocalypse, then I need Guy Campbell’s wise words and advice to keep me alive. As for music, I wouldn’t even know! There’s too much choice and I know that if the apocalypse lasted a while, I’d get bored of listening to the same songs over and over. Thinking about it, I’d probably take Tourist History by Two Door Cinema Club because I usually listen to that album when I go running, and I’d probably be doing a lot of running in a zombie apocalypse.

What would you wear to the apocalypse?

Definitely not heels, that’s for sure! I’d probably wear my running trainers, camo trousers and vest. Keep it sensible, you know.

You can follow Jazzy on Twitter, Facebook and her website.

I Wore Heels To The Apocalypse is out now.  Buy it on Kindle, Smashwords or in paper at

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