7 Questions

Seven Questions is a section of Newsnibbles where we ask one of our Twitter followers seven questions (duh).  Because we do it via email they are free to answer in more that 140 characters, which is nice.
Today we meet Jenna Whittaker, or @Jen_W_95 as we know her, to find out a bit about books, pet couture and obviously, zombies.

1. How are things down under? (I have always wanted to be able topic legitimately ask that!)

Haha well, things are lovely. I’ve been overseas in the US for the past year and a half, but I’m heading back home–and I miss it!

2. New book, go on then, tell us a bit…

This new novel is called ‘The Last Immortal’. It’s more of a novella, at 48,000 words, but it tells its story! This one is more female-centric than others I’ve written (basically the entire cast of character is female), but that’s due to the plot. It’s actually a very important part of it.

3. If you had to battle the zombie hordes, would you go vampire or werewolf army to command?

Zombies…hmm. All three of those creatures attack by biting, and all transmit their infection the same way…that’s risky. How would I know my army of vampires or werewolves, wouldn’t suddenly become undead! I think vampires would be my choice. They could turn into bats and escape the zombies more swiftly than a wolf, and they’re undead already.

4. Pet couture, pro or con?

I had to look up what that was…and that’s an abomination! I prefer my pets to be feathered or scaled anyway, and they don’t take well to cute outfits. 😉

5. If you could give one of your characters one piece of advice, what would it be and why?

Probably to try to escape being my character? I’m not a very nice author sometimes. My characters have their tragedies, but they do also have their loves and successes…so perhaps I would advise them to enjoy the good while it’s there, because it never lasts forever.

6. What would be your perfect dinner party line up (you can choose anyone, living, or dead).

Oh, goodness. How many guests do I get? I’d probably choose a number of my favourite authors and their characters…also God, Satan, and a couple serial killers? Just for the fun! It’d certainly make for some good dinner conversation. Can you picture Satan asking Ted Bundy to pass the salt?

7. Why are your books different?

Because I take my ideas–which, although like most authors, I like to think they’re unique–and I turn the norms you’d expect on their heads. I write what I love to read and imagine, and I think that brings my stories to life. I also enjoy including morals in the story that are unexpected.

And as well as Twitter you can find Jenna on Facebook for writing and art (which is also rather good) and follow her blog.
If you would like to answer 7 Questions then get in touch.
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