
What the Frack?

Native American tribes, along with several land owners are protesting the laying of an oil pipeline through their land.  You can read the full story on Think Progress – as this is just a Nibblet, we just want to discuss (read rip to satirical shreds) a few points from the story.  Obviously a similar law to the one in this country exists in America, which, if we understand it correctly means that if the government wants to frack under land you own they can, whether you want them to or not, with the option of offering ‘reasonable compensation’.  Basically a big Frack You to your rights.

Fortunately for the Frackers they have law enforcement on their side, and will be pressing charges against anyone who gets in their fracking way.  According to the report “Standing Rock Sioux Reservation oppose the project, saying it puts their water at risk and crosses sacred land.”  Apparently that’s OK though, because religious freedom in America only applies to Christians who want to refuse to sell cake to gay couples.

The report also states

Aside from disturbing Native American sites, critics say the pipeline brings a threat of spill damage to thousands of miles of fertile farmland, forests, and rivers. Federal agencies have said the Bakken Pipeline avoids “critical habitat.”

We have translated this as “oil companies have lots of money, we like money so shush,” but we had an intern do it, so this could be wrong.

Read the full infuriating story, if you like.

Whedon Does It Again

The genius behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly and Doll’s House to name but a few, is trying his hand and political broadcasting, and of course it’s genius.  If there was one good thing to come out of Brexit (other than Farage heading for the hills) it’s that it warned Americans that yes, shit really can happen, unless you do something about it, the the prospect of Trump actually winning is shit.  The angry shouty orangy one with his growing angry shouty following seems increasingly popular, a terrifying prospect for the entire world.  Whedon has brought together oodles of celebrities to create this excellent video encouraging people to vote.  Enjoy.


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