Newsnibbles 2016 Review

Well, we can all agree that 2016 has been pretty shitty for world politics, Angelika'sMeme (1)celebrity deaths and way too much media focus on hate and negativity. That’s why we thought we’d round up 2016, as experienced on Newsnibbles instead.  Hopefully this will focus us on some positivity and bring us forward to the new year.

We have spent the year expanding our coverage, so now, as well as satirical news a large portion of our site is dedicated to interviews and reviews, as well as a new “Mystery Mime” section.  We have started #MemeMonday (it was already a thing, but we are now taking part), where we post a Meme on our Facebook and Twitter every Monday.  Follow us there so you don’t miss out.

As a part of our expansion we have formed new partnerships with some awesome people, including Angelika Rust, who helps us with #MemeMonday, Samuel Z Jones, who goes off sword fighting Orcs, then writes about it for us, the fabulous Feathers and Toast who provide us with our weekly mystery mime.

Meme_S1E6_9-300x300We have met and interviewed some fantastically creative people, and found out who likes pet couture, and who simply aren’t our kind of people… We have covered things that not many news outlets have, including the FiSahara Film Festival and the Standing Rock Pipeline Protests, and Badger did a couple of grumpy OpEds, getting back on form.

2016 also saw the release of Badger’s latest book, I Wore Heels to the Apocalypse, which has had a very positive response from readers and critics 13052714_10153381404221744_674843882_oalike.  We had an online launch party, which was supported by lots of our creative friends, including Samuel Z Jones, Monica Chereches, Chloe Hammond, Heaton Wilson, Mhairi Morrison, Neil Jeffreys and many more.  This was followed by an actual physical event where Badger had to leave the sett, and this was supported by Playwright and Dramaturg Amy Bethan Evans, fantasy novelist Samuel Z Jones (who also left his cave) and featured music from Jazzy Heath.  If you haven’t heard of these guys you should check them out, they produce some pretty cool stuff.  Thanks to everyone who came and supported the event and made it such a success, we’ll be aiming to release the sequel in 2017.

This is the Newsnibbles official Chicken, made a bit festive.  Merry Christmas Nibblers.
This is the Newsnibbles official Chicken, made a bit festive.

So, what are our aims for 2017?  Well, we would like to diversify our content, cover more stories from around the world, maybe review films from different areas too, interview more interesting people and continue to expand our readership.  Badger is hoping to release at least one more book, and the collaborative fantasy magazine she has been contributing to should be out too.

So, if there is anything you would like us to cover, or review, then get in touch, we can’t cover it if we don’t know about it.  So, let’s now move on from 2016, and face 2017 head on.

Happy New Year, Nibblers!

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