No-One’s Banned Easter Eggs, Morons

That’s right. Everything you read in the tabloids, or on Facebook memes is not necessarily true! Shocker.  Just as the Easter Bunny is sadly not real (sorry if this was a surprise too) no-one has banned Easter Eggs to “avoid causing offence to refugees” as one Facebook meme proclaimed.  Usually it is best to ignore these Facebook things, as getting into arguments with people on the internet is the definition of insanity, but this kind of divisive post, designed to further marginalise a group of people who have lost everything and require compassion, rather than demonetisation requires a push back, especially when it comes from so called mainstream news outlets.

A quick Google search revealed that the original story came from The Daily Star and whilst the story was quickly debunked by Snoops, it has not stopped “papers” like The Sun and The Telegraph, jumping on the bandwagon and crying foul.

The Sun took a different angle, claiming that the information came from “religious campaigners”, so not the Daily Star at all. Of course, we can understand why this would upset the religious fraternity, after all, Jesus spent forty days in the desert with nothing to eat but chocolate eggs, and these political correctness jerks have just shat all over that.

Indeed, it seems only The Independent even bothered get a response from Cadbury’s whether this was true, after all, we can’t have actual facts stepping all over a perfectly good hate story, can we?

Despite the lack of evidence, our fearless leader was quick to jump in and criticise the so called decision, which is apparently easier than criticising the orange one for retweeting Britain First.

This has caused speculation in the Newsnibbles office as to whether any of the affectionately named by the interns “right wing nut jobs” who are upset by this actually have religion, after all, Jesus was a refugee.

We have not felt such a strong urge to debunk a story since the whole Badger Ramsey Porn Double incident which was another gem that spread across newspapers with no-one bothering to question it’s validity.

So, please, everyone, think before you share things on social media, especially things designed to cause bad feeling against a marginalised community of people.  If in doubt, research it, and if you need anything officially debunked, contact the Newsdesk, and we’ll see what we can do.

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