7 Questions

Today’s 7 Questions are with Spanish Author, Antonio Heras. He is the author of queer novels including historical fiction and vampires and erotica. At the moment he only has one short story translated to English, but as lots of you speak Spanish, you can go and check out his books!


1. Working in a museum sounds fun, would you say it inspired you to write historical fiction?

At the time I wrote “Your non-sense words” (Tus palabras sin sentido), my neo-Victorian novel, I wasn’t working at museums; I was kind of obsessed with Jane Austen, Henry James, DH Lawrence, so it was pretty natural for me to write about characters located in England, XIX.

But since I’ve started this job I’ve found a lot of inspiration, ideas for short stories, maybe another novel… Being surrounded of art and a peaceful environment is quite a blessing for me, if I’m being honest.

2. Vampires are great, because you can include history and fantasy, what sort of twist will you be putting on yours?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my mayor inspiration for my incoming vampire novel. I want it to be a gay version of Twilight, but with a lot of sex and adventure. It will be titled “Hidden” (Oculto).

3. Do you have any plans to translate your work into English?

I’ve been thinking a lot about it. Two of my short-stories are translated already, one for a magazine and the other one for my blog. Maybe if I find a good (and cheap!) translator I will do it, because some people have ask me already about it. My rusty English is not good enough! (crying emoji).

4. Describe your ideal sandwich.

Yummy! Let’s think about it… It will have a spicy sauce for sure. And meat. And salad. And onion. Plus green pepper. Add more spices. Oh, wait… It’s a DONNER KEBAB…

5. What would win in a fight between a vampire and a werewolf?

In movies, most of the time the werewolf is the winner and I just cannot stand it! I will be always #TeamVampire! But in my ideal fight, they will start fighting and then they look at their eyes, found the beauty in the other and kiss, embrace, and a lot more of things I can not explain now because it is too kinky.

6. Who is your favourite author?

Jean Genet and Dennis Cooper. One dead, one alive. Both so amazing, creative, self-destructive and talented. Immense talent for the construction of language, style, composing words as it was the first time a human do that.

7. What are your writing plans for the future?

Finishing Hidden (Oculto), my vampire novel; keeping my blogs active with, at least, one post per month; adding 9 short stories to my ebook of erotic fiction, An Easy Target (Un blanco fácil); and, with a bit of luck, finishing the script of a internet series (I also make short movies).

If you enjoyed this interview you can find Antonio all over the web!


MY AMAZON PAGE: https://www.amazon.es/l/B0795T4NCD?_encoding=UTF8&redirectedFromKindleDbs=true&ref_=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1&rfkd=1&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

MY PERSONAL BLOG: https://antuanausten.wordpress.com/

MY PORN/ARTISTIC BLOG: https://gayumbosezine.wordpress.com/

MY TWITTER: @armaimpaciente

MY ARTISTIC FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/armado.de.impaciencia/

MY VIMEO https://vimeo.com/user2970644

MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/user/peyreffite

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