Category: Opinion Editorial

Accessibility Thread

A few weeks ago I took to Twitter with a thread on accessibility and why it matters. I was mostly just having a rant, but it had a lot of responses. Many people shared it, or responded and told me how helpful it was. When I asked whether it would

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Don’t Silence Me

Don’t Silence Me is an anthem, written and performed by Sadie Jemmett.  It was inspired by the #MeToo movement and specifically the “assault of her friend, actress Mhairi Morrison” (Press Release). #MeToo hit social media like a wave, as women decided it was time to speak up, and to show

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The Grumpy Badger Guide to Not Being a Douche

This is perhaps more ranty and less humorous than other Grumpy Badger Guides.  Hopefully there are still some lols to be had….   Introduction Recently I have had some experiences with people who I believed were friends that have given me pause.  By given me pause, I mean upset me

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No-One’s Banned Easter Eggs, Morons

That’s right. Everything you read in the tabloids, or on Facebook memes is not necessarily true! Shocker.  Just as the Easter Bunny is sadly not real (sorry if this was a surprise too) no-one has banned Easter Eggs to “avoid causing offence to refugees” as one Facebook meme proclaimed.  Usually it

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UK Election 2017 – The Story So Far…

We have been steering clear of the news of late, because it is just too depressing, but we know that for some of you, Newsnibbles is the only thing you read, so we thought we’d give you the basics. So, after saying she would not call a snap election, on April 18th,

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Why Diversity Matters

Quite a while ago I decided the best thing I could do to make a difference as a writer, not only to people’s perceptions, but to the way literature is perceived is to lead by example.  I feel that my early work pandered somewhat to canonical expectations.  I tried to

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Writing is NOT Free

Yes, it’s come to that.  I’m having a rant.  You know you love it. I am utterly sick of people thinking that writing is a hobby and the thrill of being published is enough to get you hand over your hard work and dance a little jig of glee! NO!

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Celebrate Pride, but Not Too Much

It has recently come to our attention that The Isle of Wight is celebrating it’s first Pride festival.  This should be great news, it has only taken the small island forty-six years to catch up with the mainland, not too bad at all, all things considered. Unfortunately, the way it

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News in brief…

…otherwise known as a sarcastic tabloid roundup… So, you may have noticed that the death of a small child by drowning turned the “migrant crisis” into human, refugees who require help and our fearless leader has agreed to take a couple in, as long as they don’t cost too much.

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On Genre

I was recently talking to one of my writer friends about writing, different genres and the trials of marketing.  He commented on the fact that I had taken a break from writing and that he was pleased that I was coming back with my new Sci Fi serial, which will

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