Album Review, Jenna F: Broekn

Broekn is the superb latest release from Jenna F, California based synth pop BROEKN-album-cover-1600artist.

This album is just so unbelievably good it has had me lost for words, not a good trait in a reviewer, so, having had a cup of tea and a Curly Wurly I have set about getting my thoughts down.

First impressions made me think of Cher’s “Believe” – as the album has the same up beat, clubby vibe to it, and will probably appeal to the same audience.  That is probably the nearest comparison I can make, as far as I’m concerned Jenna has produced something new, unique and totally moving.

Laced with synth pop vibes, and electronic effects the music is fantastically catchy, and tracks like “Bite” have a futuristic, robotic feel to them.  What is most touching and impressive is the honesty of the lyrics.  You can tell that it has been written from the soul, and Jenna is out to do what she loves, and doesn’t care what other people think.

Each track has a different tone and vibe, and shows a different side to the artist, and the album.  “Black-end Day” has a cool techno beat and sound, but the lyrics are a bit dark, and reflect something we can all relate to, projecting an image of ourselves which is unreal.

“Jenny Lynne” is more of a ballad, about a woman with a secret, and her difficulty to live with it, and the difficulty that those in her life have dealing with it.  It is an incredibly poignant, and a beautiful way to conclude the album.

Jenna has an incredibly versatile voice, which suits every style of song on the album, and you get a sense that every song has a part of her in it.  She is able to express genuine emotion in her tone as well as her lyrics, something which so many musicians struggle with.

My absolute favourite song on the Album is “A Song of the Sea (Across the World)”.  It is magical and haunting, and it doesn’t matter how many times you listen to it, it just gets better each time.

Telling the story of meeting a mermaid, the song creates a fantastical world, whilst beautifully describing how it feels to first be in love.  The song is also a family affair, with Jenna’s sister voicing the mermaid.  She too, has the most amazing voice, and the combination of the two makes for an impressive, diverse, heart wrenching power ballad type song.  The fact that the song is a duet also allows Jenna to really go for it, and no holds are barred in this number.  In case I haven’t been clear, it is good.

So, in conclusion, Broekn is a fantastic album, and Jenna F is the one to watch for 2013.

The album is available to download from iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp or directly from along with some other, super cool tracks.

You can also follow Jenna F on Twitter and Facebook and whilst you’re there why not like us? You know you do, anyway.

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One Reply to “Album Review, Jenna F: Broekn”

  1. Amazing review! I bought this as soon as it hit Amazon, Love every note. The synthpop junkie in me along with the voice and lyrics keep me going every day. Talent like Jenna F. is something that was so needed in this world, I am so glad she chose to share with us.

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