Interview With Spaniel Harry

Well, as you know, here at Newsnibbles we are friends to creatures great and small.  So, when Annie introduced us to her friend, Harry, who has not only set up his own Twitter account and blog, but also “pawed” a book, we just had to find out more!




  • Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.

Wells, my full name is Harry Wilson Nesbitt-Collins.  I was born in January 2010 which means I is 3 next burfday, woohoo.  I lives in Devon England wiv my hoomins and sisfur Maggie who is a rescue dog.  I has lived wiv me hoomins since I was 9 weeks old.  Dey chose me when I was 1 week old and visited me efury week until dey brought me home.  Most days I go fur walks, play wiv Maggie, snooze and fink about what I cans blog about oh and I an pawing my next book.  I also spend lots of time on Twitter wiv me pals.


  • How did you first hear about Twitter?

My hoomin had a Twitter account fur her work.  She got very ill in April dis year and ended up spending time in hospital.  I missed her so much.  When she got out she had to have complete rest so she looked fur dogs on Twitter fur me.  She saw loads and she set me up my own account and it has grown from der.


  • How does your family feel about you tweeting and blogging, has it brought you closer?

My family wuv me tweeting and blogging.  Dey fink it funny and dey wuv it when someone tweets or emails me to say dat I has made dem smile even though dey has had a bad day.  I fink we are a vewy close family alweady.  We all wuv and wespect eachofur and wuv spending time togefur.


  • How did the idea for the book first come about?

it just simply popped into my head one day.  I thought about doing a journal then mum and me said why not paw a book!  The book is called “Help my dog’s on Twitter”, it is about being on Twitter and gives advice on dat subject fur dogs, it also has intervoos of dogs on Twitter and wot it means to dem.  I also did a couple of typical days to make peeps laff and a dicshunary at de back of de book fur de hoomin readers.  You can buy it worldwide on Amazon and on Kindle.  You can also get a pawtographed limited edition one fwom me by emailing

  • Where do you stand on the subject of Pet Couture?

Mmmm well I has me own wax coat but I fink dat jumpers hats etc looks better on smaller dogs!  Dey does look cute.  Howefur dogs are bootiful in der own natural coats too!  It is vewy much a hoomin fing!


  • Which do you prefer, the scent of fox poo in the morning, or writing a new blog post?

Oooo dat a twicky one befur de book and Twitter I would has said fox poo but now I much prefer doing a funny or moving blog and makin people laff or cwy.


  • What advice would you give to other dogs thinking about setting up a Twitter account or becoming writers?

Do it and get me book as a guide BOL BOL BOL Twitter is gweat fun it allows us dogs and also ofur anipals to see dat der hoomin behaviour is pawfectly normal and it is not our bad twaining dat has made dem behave badly and not do as dey are told.  If yoo has de time den do it.  It is vewy vewy time conssoooming it took me a few months to paw my book and dat is de easy bit. De marketing pwomotin and all dat is vewy vewy hard. It is also hard to get an agent cos dey just don’t seem to get dogs! Weally weird!


  • Anything you’d like to add?

I would like to say fank yoo fur dis opportunity it is an honour to be intervood by yoo. I would also like to say hello to my girlfweind @summerhollett who is my rock and strength. She always der fur me and I wuv her vewy much. Also buy me book! Bol Bol Bol.

And you can follow Harry’s adventures at or Tweet @Spanielharry

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