Category: News

Say Cheese!

Unless you are into your cheese in a big way then you might not even realise there was a National Cheese Awards.  If you are cheese savvy enough to be aware of the awards themselves, it might still be news to you that this year there is a competition to

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Another Good Reason Not to Exercise

In local news this week we see that West London Council has introduced a £350 tax for fitness instructors to use any number of parks and open spaces within the council’s remit.   This controversial decision has caused mixed feelings amongst park users who question the practicalities of enforcing such

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Wow, Gorillas!

If you go down to Bristol City Centre next summer you’re sure of a big surprise.  A series of five foot gorilla sculptures are set to be appearing around the city as part of Bristol Zoo’s 175th birthday celebration. The white gorilla sculptures are being sponsored by different businesses, charities and schools

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