Yule Goat Erected In Gävle, Sweden.

For the residents of Gävle, on the east coast of Sweden, Advent Sunday means one thing: the erection of a thirteen metre straw goat in

This is Newsnibbles' interpretation of a Yule Goat.*

the town square.  Thus begins the saga of whether the goat will survive until the New Year.  The goat was first erected in 1966, and has been a tradition ever since.  News of its size has even reached The Guinness Book of Records and increasing amounts of funds are being put into ensuring the erection’s survival until January.


Mystery Penis Shakes Sweden.  

If one erection were not enough for Sweden this week, a less festive one has been discovered in the garden of a wealthy Stockholm businessman.  A penis the size of a tennis court has been mown into the lawn and is only visible from the air.  The aerial photographs have been verified by experts as genuine.  No-one knows when or how the penis appeared, and it is accompanied by a slightly more festive star.  According to a spokesperson from the company who took the aerial photographs, mowing a giant phallus in one’s lawn is “distasteful, but not illegal.”



Einstein’s Brain on Display in Philadelphia.

Speaking of “distasteful, but not illegal” – that is the exact comment one regular Nibblers gave us on this next story.  Forty-six slivers of Albert Einstein’s brain are going on display at the Philadelphia’s Mütter Museum and Historical Medical Library.  Members of the public can view the brain, but are not permitted to eat the fragments, which are there purely for scientific interest.  If we thought we could raise funds that way we would put the interns’ brains on display, but we have more chance of someone clicking on an advert.



Havoc in Hospital!

A flying squirrel caused havoc in a New Jersey emergency room this week as he became trapped in the Emergency Room.  The little flying fella managed to evade fire-fighters for some time by launching himself from different vantage points.  Eventually he was captured and released into the nearby woods.  Apparently this is the second time a flying squirrel has been removed from the Emergency Room in two weeks, which does beg the question as to whether flying squirrels in the New Jersey area have a substance abuse problem which needs to be addressed.


*Yule Goat photograph Doug Rolston, snowy background scene Sarah Ehlers, image compilation The Grumpy Badger.  All rights reserved.



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