Going Alcohol Free For Charity

Ailsa Abraham is an author and badger fan living in France, and this month she is taking part in a “Dryathlon” for Cancer Research UK, so we decided to catch up with her and find out more.

  • Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.

    This is Ailsa and her dad.
    This is Ailsa and her dad.

I’m an author. I’ve worked in all kinds of different jobs but I took early retirement from teaching English to adults here in France because of health problems which is why I can be a full-time writer. I live in the middle of nowhere with my partner and two dogs and my only other passion is motorbikes. When I’m not writing or out with the hounds, I’m whizzing around the lanes on one of my bikes (I have 3).

  • What is a “Dryathlon”?

It’s a period of time where you promise not to drink any alcohol and give the money you would have spent on it to charity.

  • Why did you choose to support Cancer Research UK?

For a very personal reason. I’m doing it in memory of my father, George Lawton, who died when I was four. He had cancer of the stomach and was only 38 when he passed away. Even now there is still a huge Daddy-sized hole in my life. I’d like to think contributing to Cancer Research UK will help to ensure that one day no other little girl will have to grow up without a parent.

  • How much would you usually drink in January?

Well, I live in France where the aperitif is almost a national institution. I always have a glass of something before dinner and usually a couple of glasses of wine when I finish writing. So half a bottle a day which would work out at about £1 at our prices.

  • How many lots of £15 have you had to donate so far?


None but I have my other half keeping a stern eye on me and strangely enough it really isn’t hard not to drink when you know that it is raising money for such a great reason. To be honest I’m feeling wonderful on it, which is why I will probably continue on to June. The Drythlon officially finishes on 31st January but I want to do more, so my George Lawton Memorial Fund will go on.

  • How can people get involved and help a good cause?

Well I call it buy us a pint, Guv, which means if you’d normally like to buy me a drink if you met me in a pub, just hand over that amount on the donation site. Of course if you’d like to buy me a drink every week, or every day even better! It’s a way of saying that even the price of a pint of bitter is great just hand it over please. Here are the details of how to give and please do leave a name or nickname so I can thank you.

Click here fore Ailsa’s Just Giving page


  • Do you like badgers?

I love all animals, even snakes, spiders etc. To me all life is sacred and Badger is one of my favourites my other half’s nickname is Badger because he is grey and grumpy and has bad eyesight! One of the few things I can get quite violent about is animal welfare and I am totally against the cull.

  •  Where do you stand on the topic of Pet Couture?

I had to google that! I feel quite sorry for people who have to do that. I’m child free by choice but yes, I treat my dogs like my kids, but you have to be quite tough to survive in our house, so fluffy jackets and diamanté collars aren’t part of our wardrobes… although I’d quite like one of those nice chunky spiky collars for myself! I think a dog or cat should be free to be an animal, not a fashion accessory.

  • Anything you’d like to add?

  I think I’ve probably rabbited on enough but probably… just that I can’t run or do marathons for the same reasons I had to retire and accept invalidity so this is the only way I can think of raising money for a cause that is so close to my heart. Of course I’d love to thank you for inviting me to come and publicise my efforts, that was very kind of you. Blessed be!

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2 Replies to “Going Alcohol Free For Charity”

  1. Such a great idea. I was promoting a Coffee for Campbell to raise money for cancer research in September. My niece age 5 who has ependymoma. So, this makes total sense to me. I think George would be proud. Hey Ailsa, can I buy you a pint or two?

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