Month: May 2013

Mega Nibblets

Well Badger’s been busy getting her books into print but we wouldn’t want you to think that we haven’t been keeping an eye on the random news, so here’s some MEGA NIBBLETS, for all your random news needs. Kitten in a Spin! A kitten with the unfortunate name of Gollum

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Badger Boys Song!

This isn’t so much news, as a fun song highlighting the plight of badgers under the current cull happy regime.  Knowing how much you all like badgers we thought we’d embed it here for your viewing pleasure.  This video comes to you from those people at Team Badger.

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Badges for Badgers! A Very Stripey Interview

“Badges for Badgers” is an initiative brought about by London based artist/designer team Alice and Ben, collectively known as Stripey Pipey.  Being fans of badgers, which immediately made us fans of them, and the funds raised by the badges will go to help badgers, which is lovely, so we thought

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Another Waste of a Report Well, when we saw the headline on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire that there was a “Rubbish fire at Long Marston Sims recycling centre” we thought; that’s a bit unkind.  Maybe it was their first attempt at making a fire and they’ll improve the next one,

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Popping in for a Chat With Jenna F.

See what we did there? Cos she’s a pop singer… Ah forget it. As some of you may remember, at the beginning of the year we reviewed Jenna’s album Broekn and since she has made no objections to us following her around ever since we decided to have a chat

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