Popping in for a Chat With Jenna F.

See what we did there? Cos she’s a pop singer… Ah forget it.

As some of you may remember, at the beginning of the year we reviewed Jenna’s jenna-falbum Broekn and since she has made no objections to us following her around ever since we decided to have a chat about her next project, and some other random stuff, as you do.

1.  We reviewed your last album, which was synth pop and very cool, this new one has a more acoustic vibe, is there a reason for the change?

First off, thank you so much for the amazing review! I’m really happy that you enjoyed “Broekn”.

I’m actually working on two new albums right now, a rock-style one with the acoustic vibe you mentioned, and an industrial-type one for my “I Had to Kill” project, which has a more aggressive and heavy feel. I just like to change things I up or I start to feel like I’m getting static. If I think I am repeating myself or specifically -trying- to get a certain sound, then I tend to back off and do something different. Whatever I am feeling at the moment, that sort of shapes what type of song I’ll make.



2.  When did you first become involved in the music business? What instruments do you play?

I’ve always played around with instruments like piano and drums, since I can remember. When I was about seventeen I started getting more serious about it and released some songs, and it went from there. I currently play piano, keyboard, guitar, jaw harp (woo!), and I sing of course.



3. So, we happen to know, from months of “observation” (we appreciate you not calling the police) that you are not only a musician, but also a writer and an artist, tell us a little bit about that.


I promise I won’t call the police! I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil. When I was eleven I started working for my father in his shop painting t-shirts, signs, cars, stuff like that. That lasted all through high school and then I started working on digital art at a textile company, which lead to my career as a video game artist. Pretty much my entire life has been spent creating art of some kind. Writing is something I’ve always enjoyed as well. I started writing horror and weird stories when I was about 13 but then stopped for a while. Most of the regular writing I do today is song lyrics, but I also occasionally write a short story. I’ll put some of them together eventually and publish them, I think.



4. Who inspires you?

Anyone who does their own thing and doesn’t let society convince them not to. As long as what someone is doing is not hurting someone else, and that person does it with a passion, that inspires me.


5. Describe your sound in 1 sentence.

Once upon a time Jenna F. made electro-synth-pop-industrial-country-rock songs.


6. Who is your favourite artist?

Caravaggio. Vince Clarke if we’re talking music. 🙂


7. If you couldn’t live in California any more, where would you live and why?

I would like to live in Europe, most likely France. It’s beautiful and seems like a nice place to live. Also… wine and cream puffs. I mean, come on.



8. Do you like badgers?

Absolutely. Badgers rock!


9. Would you ever consider doing a duet with a badger…?

Hell yeah. They have wonderful singing voices and I hear many of them are amazing with a harmonica.


10. If you were going to write a song about a Newsnibbles story, which would it be and why?

Definitely the one where the face of Jesus appeared in the bird poop. I think it would be a lovely song that would touch the heart of anyone who has seen a bird or knows someone named Jesus.


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