Oh Bollards!

Plans for bollards shaped like children to be placed outside of a school in Plymouth have been rejected by parents who described

They seem to be looking right at you...

them as “scary” and “like something out of Doctor Who.”

According to a BBC report Plymouth City Council had planned to implement child shaped bollards to serve as a deterrent against drivers speeding past schools.  Whilst the bollards could serve to slow drivers who may peer in fascination at the metallic children, they may miss an actual child crossing whilst their attention is elsewhere.

Each bollard costs £350, which is undoubtedly cheaper than keeping an actual child as well as being more hard wearing.  Despite these obvious benefits the reaction from parents at the school has caused the council to reconsider their purchase.  The makers, Marshalls Street Furniture told the BBC that they are “proud” of their bollards.  All parents are proud of their children so this is no surprise.

Using our new interactive Facebook page (yes, you can now “like” us) we asked our followers what they thought of bollards shaped like children.  The general consensus was that some unscrupulous individuals may use them as target practice.   As they are metal, and therefore bulletproof the bullets would most likely bounce off, possibly hitting unsuspecting badgers, who have enough to contend with in terms of dodging bullets.

We asked a primary school teacher what she thought of the idea of bollards shaped like children:

“What would concern me is that dogs might think it’s acceptable to urinate on actual children if they’re too realistic.”

Well this debate is far too controversial to be solved any time soon.  We want to hear your thoughts.  Email newsdesk@newsnibbles.co.uk

Read the BBC’s full report here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-13900134

And you can “like” us here:  http://www.facebook.com/newsnibbles go on, you know you do, we’re great.

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One Reply to “Oh Bollards!”

  1. Dogs urinating on real children or anything else as far asw urination goes, proves male dogs are indeed less intelligent than female dogs…and sometimes humans as far as that goes…

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