A Strange Place to Park!

In Polish news this week a reckless driver who was described by a local resident of the village where he lived as “a dangerous driver and could

This is a sign of our own invention to deter further tree parking. For permission to use it on your tree please email the newsdesk...

have killed someone” according to the Metro report woke up to find someone had moved his car.

Described in all the reports we read as a “souped up” Ford Escort (we don’t know whether this means it runs on tomato soup instead of petrol, but judging by the picture we can tell it’s a white car), the car, which had been driven dangerously around the neighbourhood by its unlicensed owner had materialised up a tree.

The car owner called the police, who attended and assessed the situation before instructing him to take it down.  Neighbours will not say how the car found its off-road parking space, but one villager did state that a crane had been borrowed for the night.

The owner of the car claims to have understood the reasons for the vehicle relocation, but feels the prank was a bit harsh.

We asked the fans where the strangest place they ever left their cars was, but apparently none of them drive so we did not receive our usual diverse response.  If you have any quirky anecdotes why not pop a comment below?


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