Month: February 2013

Badger’s Space Quiz

Well, as you know there were asteroid storms across Russia last week, and as the topical news site that we are awkwardly becoming, Badger has decided to come up with a space quiz this week for your quizzing pleasure. As usual, answers, along with the picture you would like us

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When Zombies Attack!

  Well, you may remember that in 2011 we asked Was Anyone Really Prepared for a Zombie Attack? This was in response to letters sent into a local council asking if they had a contingency in place.  Well, today, just two years on we have another Zombie related news article. 

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Another Romantic Quiz

Well, it’s that time of year again – Valentine’s day.  After the success of last year’s Valentine’s quiz, Badger has sucked it up and settled into producing another one.  So, here goes… as always, answers, along with the picture you would like us to publish should you be lucky enough

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Well, as you know, here at Newsnibbles we pride ourselves on taking the most obscure news stories we can find and mocking them until they have very low self esteem.  Today’s story is about a dog, because we know you like dogs.  And as a little interactive task we would

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Badger’s Royal Quiz

Given the recent discovery of the Bones of Richard III in Leicester, we have come up with a topical quiz about said Monarch.  So, since our multiple question approach has proved so popular of late we have decided to stick with it until it dies a death.  As always, answers,

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