Month: June 2013

A Real Tear Jerker!

Well, this one will bring tears to your eyes, and possibly a bit of throw up in your mouth.  A trend for eyeball licking is spreading through Japan’s teenage population.  According to the majority of reports we read on the topic (we did research here so that you don’t have

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What’s On – 14th June-14th July

Well, this is our first “What’s On” post, so is a bit sparse, but we are hoping that as word spreads amongst our global readership (you know who you are) more and more of you will let us know “What’s On” by you.  At the moment we plan to publish

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Well, with the best intention in the world, it’s been a while again, so must try harder.  But here are some Nibblets in case you’ve been feeling withdrawn.  As a side note we will be adding a “What’s On” section to Newsnibbles, so if you have some exciting local event that

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