When we heard that a pair of pants* were set alight in Battle our first thought was “OMG

Annie is prepared for Battle. We don't know if they have a dress code there...
Annie is prepared for Battle. We don’t know if they have a dress code there…

(because here at Newsnibbles we are hip and down with the kids, and therefore think in text speak), there was a battle and it wasn’t on the news? And were pants the opposing sides’ flags?”.  Burning flags is a bit extreme, but burning pants?  And what if one of the warriors was still wearing the pants, when an over zealous opponent lit up their under garments. Ouchie.  And that would be one crazy war wound.   How would you even explain that? “My knickers were set alight in the heat of battle, now it hurts to sit”.  Years of therapy right there.  But no.  Once again we missed the point completely.  Turns out Battle is a place in East Sussex.  The offending pants were not attached to anyone, but set alight outside a youth club, which resulted in the fire brigade being called.  You wouldn’t think a pair of ladies knickers would burn long enough to result in the need for the fire brigade, but then, The Rye and Battle Observer did not mention what size the aforementioned knicks were, so there could have been a good bit of fuel in em. Who knows?

*Note for our American readers.  In this case, what we call pants are in fact “underwear” and not “trousers”.  The offending articles in this case would be referred to in your country as “panties” which is just way too cutesy for us here at Newsnibbles.  In fact Badger made one of the interns type it, because she just couldn’t bring herself to do it.

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