Year: 2017

Monday Mystery Mime

Yup, as you know we like to start the week with a mystery, and our friends Feathers and Toast are happy to oblige. All you need to do is guess what it is, and post your answer in the comments.  If you win, Tallulah will perform the mime of your choosing.*

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Calls for Fearless Girl to Remain on Wall Street

To celebrate International Women’s Day,* a bronze statue of a little girl, hands on hips, facing down the mighty bull has appeared.  Originally only billed to remain for a week, there has been a cry for her to become permanent.  Officials have already bowed to pressure from the public and

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Monday Mystery Mime

It’s that time of the week again, when we confront you with a mystery.  Our friends at Feathers and Toast produce a weekly mystery mime, and if you are clever enough to guess correctly, the Tallulah will perform the mime of your choosing.* No-one guessed last week’s mime, so there were

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The Grumpy Badger Guide to Writing Erotica

Grumpy Badger guides are going to be a new section of Newsnibbles, where Badger will write “How To” guides on request. Having mentioned to several friends that I have now inadvertently ended up editing not one, but TWO erotica novels, (not on purpose, not my genre of choice, I did

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Monday Mystery Mime

We have decided that time is fluid, and therefore we will continue calling this the Monday Mystery Mime, regardless of what day we post it. So, you know the drill, guess the mime, guess it right you get the mime of your choosing performed.* No-one was able to correctly guess

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Writing is NOT Free

Yes, it’s come to that.  I’m having a rant.  You know you love it. I am utterly sick of people thinking that writing is a hobby and the thrill of being published is enough to get you hand over your hard work and dance a little jig of glee! NO!

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Monday Mystery Mime

That’s right, Nibblers, it’s that time of the week again, when the superbly talented Tallulah Grace, of Feathers and Toast fame supplies us with our weekly mystery mime.  In order to win the ultimate prize of having Tallulah perform the mime of your choosing, simply tell us what the mime below

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Monday Mystery Mime

It’s that time of the week again.  The time when our partners in mime, Feathers and Toast bring you a mystery to solve.  If you can guess the mystery mime, then Tallulah will perform the mime of your choice.* **To enter go to the Youtube page where the mime originated and

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Zombie Apocalypse in Europe!

We have been receiving unconfirmed reports that the world as we know it, is in fact, at an end. There have been reports from Europe that a small cafe in Vienna has been besieged by zombies, who are trying to eat the brains of locals.  There have also been unconfirmed

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Monday Mystery Mime

It’s still Monday somewhere in the world, right? Well, we’re here again, it’s mystery mime time, brought to you by our friends at Feathers and Toast.  If you’ve been living under a rock, here’s the gist.  Celebrity chef and sandwich aficionado, Tallulah Grace performs a mime.  If you can guess

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