Graham’s Complete the Sequence

This week Graham has impressed us once more with his quiz making abilities.  Can you complete the sequence?   Send your entries to along with the picture you would like us to display should you be lucky enough to win.* A big congratulations to last week’s winner, Catherine Sykes

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The Truth about Beer!

There was shocking news for Russians this week, as they suddenly discovered beer was alcoholic. Until this point, because its alcohol content was less than 10%, beer was considered a foodstuff in Russia.  When Graham brought in beer for lunch last week we sent him home.  Now we realise his

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What Bee That?

Lady Gaga eat your heart out.  The meat suit is so last season.  This season, at least in China, the latest look is live bees. The 17th of July saw two Chinese bee keepers battle to see which of them could carry the largest weight of live bees on their

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All at Sea?

Everyone’s done it at one point or another.  Looked for a parking space away from the pay and display car park in order to save your change for the important things in life, like pasties. However, for one savvy motorist on Saturday this plan backfired, leaving him up the creek

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Reader’s Letters

I am so excited that one of our articles has evoked any response in a reader that I don’t have a response.  Nor do I feel this letter requires one as it is just an angry rant.  I am quite excited by the thought that this letter may spark a

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Graham’s Where’s Winnie?

This week Graham has come up with a fiendishly difficult puzzle to celebrate the first official post on the new, improved website.  For the purposes of this puzzle we suggest that you download the image to your computer, open it with paint and circle where you think the correct answer

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Whose Gender is it Anyway?

This week the BBC World Service reported on Sweden’s first “Gender Neutral” school.   Egalia pre-school in Stockholm aims to free children from the gender boundaries society imposes on them. Allowing children to play with whatever toys they prefer (cars or dolls irrelevant of gender) and allowing them to chose whatever

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Hard to Swallow?

In Welsh news this week the BBC reported a woman in Pembrokeshire has had a family of swallows move into her kitchen. Far from being upset by this onslaught of feathered squatters, pensioner Pam Jones was said to be “delighted” by the birds building their nest in her kitchen.  Despite

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Graham’s Dingbat.

What is a Dingbat we hear you cry?  Well, see below.  As always the winner will have their picture of choice published with next week’s puzzle.  Just email your answer along with your picture of choice to  Good luck Nibblers.     And a big congrats to last weeks

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Man in a Suitcase?

In international news this week a Mexican woman has been arrested for trying to sneak her partner out of prison in a suitcase. Prison officials noticed that the woman looked nervous and her suitcase was considerably bulkier than when she entered.  According to a spokesperson from police in the Caribbean

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