Month: May 2012

Was That You?

A recent scientific study has reported that dinosaur flatulence could be responsible for the global warming that marked the end of the ice age. Many different news articles have been written since the announcement, with a variety of different headlines, indeed, we can say with a degree of confidence that

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Golf Balls Bombard Missouri! Well, a whole new meaning was given to the term “April Showers” last week when a hail storm with ice the size of golf balls bombarded a small Missouri town.  The whole thing was caught on video as the massive balls of ice hit the floor

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Playing Possum Can be Dangerous

A new drinking game that has swept New Zealand in recent years is causing havoc in local parks.  “Possum”, as the game has been dubbed by its participants involved the students sitting in trees, and drinking until the amount of alcohol causes them to crash to the ground in a

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Whipsnade Wallaby Backpacking From an Early Age

Well, what with all the over eating and angry protests we’ve been talking about lately there haven’t been enough stories that just make you go aw.  Fear not, we will fix that for you right now. Tilly, is a seven month old Wallaby living a Whipsnade Zoo who was found

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