Year: 2014


Palin does Poetry From the woman who brought you the word Refudiate comes now a new, strange adaptation of Dr Seuss, which is supposed to be mocking, someone, apparently.  Whilst we are not sure how she feels about Green Eggs and Ham, apparently she isn’t too fond of something… the number

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Update! From Mr Wall Street Bull

We do enjoy his updates.   EXCLUSIVE: In his greatest move since becoming NYC’s Police Chief, Bill Bratton ordered the barricades that had surrounded me for 2 1/2 years to be removed. GOOD RIDDANCE, ugly prison bars! Let nothing stand between me and my adoring fans. The barricades were moved

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News “n” Stuff

So, we’re breaking down what has happened over the last week or so, from memory, based on snippets of TV, and with no research, because that takes time ‘n’ shiz, as does sourcing images, so, as with the best news reporting organisations we have just recycled some unrelated stock images

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Weather with The Wall Street Bull

By popular demand, we’re getting some spring-like weather, and it’s about effing time. (Sorry–I don’t do gratitude very well.) Unfortunately, Uggs-wearers have not gotten the memo. So if you have a friend who wears those hideous things, drop a hint, wouldya? Along with the marginal improvement in New Yorkers’ attitudes,

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Weather With The Wall Street Bull

We have a new weather segment here on Newsnibbles, as do all the best news reporting… thingies… Our brand new “Weather Correspondent” is @TheWallStBull ! Excitings.  His première report is below, along with a “selfie” wot he took of himself.  We are hoping that each weather report will be accompanied by

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Can You Say No-body Cares?

Have you been wondering why we haven’t posted for a while? Well, it’s because there is nothing interesting happening.  But, just in case you missed us, here is a list of things the news has been covering of late. The Weather Have you noticed that it’s been raining here in

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The Naked Truth

Police in Australia were called out this week to rescue a naked man from a washing machine.  Really.  The man, as yet unnamed but reported to be in his twenties climbed into the top loading washing machine because he was playing hide and seek, and according to the BBC Report

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